Important Information for Those Considering Private Weight Loss Surgery in the UK or Abroad

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We are seeing an increasing number of patients choosing to undergo surgery abroad, especially for weight loss procedures. While various clinics offer private, affordable surgical treatments overseas, it’s crucial to understand the risks involved. The NHS cannot ensure that these treatments are safe, individually suitable, or performed by reputable practitioners.

Key Considerations:

  1. Thorough Research is Essential:
    • On the NHS pathway, the pre-operative process typically lasts a year, ensuring that patients are well-prepared and that surgery is only part of the overall treatment plan. Quick fixes that focus solely on the operation often result in less successful outcomes.
  2. Comprehensive Treatment Packages:
    • Any private treatment should include a complete package: pre-assessment and counselling, surgery, and follow-up care. For weight loss surgery, it is recommended to have follow-up care for at least 2 years to monitor for complications, ensure safe weight loss, and maintain proper nutrition.
  3. Limitations of NHS Aftercare:
    • NHS bariatric services are not equipped to provide routine follow-up care if you have had surgery abroad. This is also true for GP practices who will not be able to provide you with the regular recommended blood tests after your operation. However, the NHS will manage emergency complications, such as those requiring a visit to A&E.

As such, at Mercheford House, we are unable to refer you for weight loss surgery aftercare or follow-up on the NHS. We also do not provide the specialist aftercare required, including regular blood test monitoring. We strongly advise arranging private follow-up care with UK specialists, which will be at your own cost.

For more advice on considering surgical treatment abroad, please refer to the additional resources provided.

The NHS has published guidance on going abroad for medical treatment (click here) and the British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society strongly advises UK residents to be cautious when considering weight loss surgery abroad (click here).

This information is based on guidance that has been provided by the British Medical Association (BMA)